132 research outputs found


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    The primary goal of this paper is to portray how the balance between leading and following can often guide us to new pedagogical innovations and leadership. First of all, we will examine how students’ feedback plays an essential role in devising new teaching styles that enhance the amiable learning atmosphere and directs us to new innovations and leadership. Second of all, we will focus on how feedback from colleagues can open new opportunities for new seminars, for new research projects, for writing new papers and textbooks and welcome us to new international and interdisciplinary teaching and learning atmosphere and new innovations. In addition, our aim is to address and understand the concerns and questions from students’ and colleagues’ feedback can be used to minimize the risk of failure and to steer us in designing new innovations and leadership. Furthermore, our intent is to portray that balance between leading and following is an essential technique in development of new ideas and innovations. Moreover, we will share examples of successful pedagogical innovations that were suggested by students and colleagues. Throughout this paper we will remit the following vital question: do creativity and innovations come directly from us


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    The main aim of this paper is to render how university level courses are taught in high school. In fact, we will focus on what styles are used to teach university level courses and illustrate the international contrasts that happen quite frequently. In addition, we will analyse the details of teaching styles that were implemented in the American and the Latvian educational systems. Furthermore, we will discuss what specific teaching styles and innovations work successfully, and what teaching styles and innovations had difficulties and need improvements. In particular, implementing the hands-on teaching and learning styles and repetitive type teaching and learning styles. Moreover, we will also discuss the risk involved with introducing and transforming university level courses and teaching styles with high school students and how to manage these risks

    Композиционная функция фоностилистических приемов в прозаическом тексте (на материале англоязычной литературной сказки)

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    This article suggests that phonostylistic devices in fiction be considered from the semiological point of view. Sounds and sound clusters are traditionally seen as units without independent meaning. At the same time, being organised in a special way in the syntagmatics of the fictional text, they may acquire a specific “value” (as viewed by Saussure), which enables them to function in a given text or a part of the text as a sign. This article examines examples from literary fairy tales. Pragmatic purposes, typical of children’s literature, are realised among other things in the peculiar phonetic organisation of children’s literature genres including the literary fairy tale. Phonographical play, alliteration, spoonerism, the rhythmic organisation of prosaic narration, and other phonostylistic devices add a certain plane of content, typical of a specific text (description of a character, reference to a motif). Within the whole text, phonostylistic devices can contribute to a peculiar “marking”, which is in this article referred to as phonocomposition. The author puts forward a scheme which shows how attaching a functional meaning is added to a phonetic device within the text. The author also touches upon several methodological issues connected with phonostylistics.В настоящей статье предлагается рассматривать фоностилистические приемы в художественном тексте с позиций семиотики. Звуки и звукокомплексы в системе языка традиционно рассматриваются как единицы, лишенные самостоятельного значения. В то же время, будучи организованными определенным образом в синтагматике художественного текста, они могут приобретать особую внутритекстовую «значимость» (в соссюровском смысле), которая позволяет им функционировать в рамках данного произведения или его фрагмента в качестве знака. В данной статье рассматриваются примеры из англоязычной литературной сказки. Прагматические установки, свойственные детской литературе, реализуются в том числе в специфической фонетической организации ряда жанров детской литературы, к числу которых принадлежит и литературная сказка. За фонографической игрой, аллитерацией, спунеризмом, ритмизацией прозаического повествования и другими фоностилистическими приемами закрепляется некоторый план содержания, типичный для конкретного текста (характеристика персонажа, аллюзия к тому или иному мотиву, и др.). В масштабе целого текста фоностилистические приемы могут способствовать созданию своеобразной фонетической «разметки», обозначаемой в данной статьей термином фонокомпозиция. В статье предложена семиотическая схема закрепления функционального значения за фонетическим приемом внутри текста. Автор также обсуждает некоторые методологические вопросы, связанные с изучением фоностилистики художественного текста

    Política fiscal y monetaria: Problemas de coordinación (Teoría Y Experiencia De Rusia)

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    Se consideran los problemas de interacción entre las autoridades monetarias y financieras en el marco de una política efectiva dirigida a lograr la estabilización y el desarrollo de la economía. La coordinación de las acciones de las autoridades monetarias y financieras se considera en el contexto de una política económica anticíclica y no cíclica. Se presta especial atención a la coordinación de acciones en esta área entre el Banco Central de la Federación de Rusia y el Gobierno de la Federación de Rusia

    Experimental Observation of the Temperature at the Liquid/Gas Interface

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    Experimental studies on measurements of the temperature profile in the vicinity of the evaporating distilled water layer were carried out. The temperature was measured with a chromel-alumel thermocouple, when it moves under the action of the precision actuator directed perpendicular to the evaporating layer. According to the experimental results the fluctuation in temperature of the air and liquid was found in the immediate vicinity of the liquid/gas interface. However, temperature jumps near the interface was not observed

    Preliminary results from sculpture analysis of the apiculate miospores from the Upper Visean of Kaluga region, Russia

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    Palynological material for the present study is well preserved apiculate miospores collected from palynoassemblage MS-6 of Mstikhino quarry, Kaluga Region. The unique palynoassemblage MS-6 has been extensively studied by the authors in recent years (Mamontov, 2012; Mamontov, Orlova, 2014). The unusual attribute of the assemblage is a great variety of the miospores with transition apiculate sculpture (grain–coni–papillae). However, it remained unclear whether the different ornamentation types had similar ranges of variation within both the sculptural elements and arrangement of the ornaments. The general purpose of the research is comparison of similar sculptural patterns from triangular apiculate miospores based on the range of morphological variation. Preliminary results of sculpture analysis of some apiculate miospores from the locality have been obtained. For the present study thirty specimens of each species Granulatisporites granulatus Ibrahim, Iugisporis subintortus (Kedo) Mamontov comb.nov., Lophotriletes parviverrucosus (Waltz) Kedo were accidentally sampled from the assemblage MS-6. All specimens were examined by the methods of transmitted light and scanning electron microscopy. Additionally we applied the model of sculptural analysis introduced and modified by Vezey et al. (1992). Measurements of sculptural features were carried out by the image-analyzing software ImageJ. Statistical data were summarized in the MS Excel. Thus several sculpture variables have been measured: 1) average Wadell`s diameter (it is diameter of circle having a same area as a base of the sculpture elements (grain, coni or papillae)); 2) average height of the elements; 3) average distance between the edges of adjacent elements; 4) average polar diameter of spore; 5) average length of the trilete rays; 6) spore outline; 7) quantity of elements on the visible spore hemisphere; 8) quantity of elements are located along the spore equator. Fifty measurements of the each variable were produced. Range of variation for the features was evaluated by coefficient of variation (CV). As a result of the analysis the three species are defined by continuous variation of the polar outline between triangular concave to triangular with slightly convex sides. Similarities within shape and size of the elements were indicated. Grains, coni and papillae are characterized by similar continuous variation of apices with blunt, pointed and rounded shape. Some of the elements are supplied by bifurcating tops while the other ones are fused by the bases. Amount of the elements is differed within each species. Ornamentation of the Granulatisporites granulatus is restricted by about 290 elements of the proximal hemisphere. The same feature of the Iugisporis subintortus is defined by about 212 coni-like elements. In contrast the Lophotriletes parviverrucosus are attributed by about 170 sculptural unites. All specimens of Iugisporis characterized by medium coefficient of variation 26% for diameter of the base of the coni (Wadell`s diameter), but the CV of height of the elements is about 35%. Variation of the distance between the coni is extremely high 60%. For the Lophotriletes specimens CV of the Wadell`s diameter is increased up to 30% and variation of the height of papillae became more stronger – 44%. However, there are no differences in CV of the distance between the papillae in comparison to the Iugisporis. Coefficient of variation of Wadell`s diameter for specimens of Granulatisporites is indicated by level 25%. Variability of grain height is about to 30%. However, variance of distance between the adjacent grains is decreased up to 40% in contrast to other species. Variation of the polar diameter and length of rays from the all specimens are inconspicuous changed up to 12 %. Additionally specimens of the all species are marked by correlation between amount of elements along the spore equator and concavity of the interradial sides of spore outline. Quantity of the equatorial elements was salutatory increased while the interradial sides became more concave. However it would generally depend on the average polar diameter of the spores. Significantly, size of the sculptural elements was uneven increased ongoing from polar area to equatorial margin of the spores. In additional, continuous variation between granulate, coni and papillate ornamentations have been observed within the studied specimens. Accordingly all morphological features of the genera Granulatisporites, Iugisporis, Lophotriletes were subdivided on three categories: a) common characteristics which are more stable: polar diameter, length of rays, spore outline; b) variable characteristics which are defined by high coefficient of variation: quantity of elements, height of the elements, distance between the edges of adjacent elements, Wadell`s diameter; c) variable qualitative characteristics: shape, type and distribution of sculptural unites.The results lead us to believe that such qualitative characters as type, shape and arrangement of sculpture elements are strongly connected with measured CV of characteristics from b) category. In accordance to morphon concept introduced by Van der Zwan (1979) the group of miospore species is united in morphon by similar continuous variation of morphological features. Therefore such morphologically similar species have the same range of CV of the coincident sculpture features. However it should be noted that this conclusion are restricted by common occurrence of transitional sculpture variations of the apiculate spores. Also it is possible that different value CV from different variables had been occasioned by the different role of the sculptural feature in natural selection.The research was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Researches, project No 15–04–09067


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    Академическая гребля широко распространена во всем мире. Привлекательность этого вида спорта заключается в разносторонней оздоровительной направленности, способствующей повышению уровня функциональных возможностей организма. Гребной спорт занимает важное место в общей организационной структуре физкультурного движения в стране. В программе Олимпийских игр гребной вид спорта занимает третье место по количеству разыгрываемых комплектов медалей. Данный вид спорта предъявляет особые требования к технике, координационной и эмоциональной способности спортсменов. Цель – представить характеристики современной системы подготовки квалифицированных спортсменов в академической гребле. Задачи – на основе теоретического анализа и обобщения научных и методических источников по проблеме построения годичного цикла подготовки спортсменов определить принципы периодизации учебно-тренировочного процесса академистов, определить особенности эмоциональных состояний спортсмена в зависимости от этапа подготовки, результатов соревнований и длительности периодов между отдельными соревнованиями и соревновательными циклами. Новизна заключается в определении структуры тренировочных этапов по академической гребле, в выявлении особенностей эмоциональных состояний, влияющих на успешность выступления в соревнованиях и выбор дальнейших направлений тренировочного процесса.Использованы методы: теоретический анализ и обобщение данных специальной научно-методической литературы, методика САН, исследующая три основные составляющие функционального психоэмоционального состояния – самочувствие, активность и настроение; экспресс-оценка эмоциональных состояний спортсмена «Градусник» (Ю.Я. Киселев). Результаты могут быть использованы в работе тренеров по академической гребле.Rowing is widely spread all over the world. The attraction of the sport is a versatile recreational nature, conducive to raising the level of functionality of the organism. Rowing sport occupies an important place in the overall organizational structure of the sports movement in the country. In the program of the Olympic Games rowing sport took third place by number of sets of medals. This sport places special requirements on technology, coordination and emotional abilities of athletes. The aim is to present the characteristics of modern system of training of qualified athletes in rowing. Task-based on theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodical sources on the build of the annual cycle of training athletes to determine principles of periodization training akademistov process, identify particular emotional States athlete depending on the phase of training, the results of the competitions and the length of the periods between individual competitions and competition cycles. The novelty lies in the definition of the structure of the training phases of rowing in identifying characteristics of emotional States affecting the success of the performances in the competitions and the selection of future directions of training process. Used techniques: theoretical analysis and generalization of information special scientific-methodical literature, methodology, exploring three basic components of functional and emotional condition – health, activity and mood; rapid evaluation of emotional States of an athlete “Thermometer” (J.Iy. Kiselev). Results can be used in the work of the rowing coaches

    Application of Radiation Technologies for Quality Improvement of LEDs Based upon AlGaAs

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    The investigation results of the radiation resistance and reliability of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based upon AlGaAs are presented. The radiation model and the reliability model are described for LEDs. Preliminary irradiation by gamma-quanta and fast neutrons makes it possible to improve the radiation resistance and reliability of the LEDs during further operation. Based on the developed models, radiation technologies are proposed, and the use of which allows increasing the service properties of the LEDs. The suggested technologies can be used for other types of semiconductor devices

    Reducible Dictionaries for Single Image Super-Resolution based on Patch Matching and Mean Shifting

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    A single-image super-resolution (SR) method is proposed. The proposed method uses a generated dictionary from pairs of high resolution (HR) images and their corresponding low resolution (LR) representations. First, HR images and the corresponding LR ones are divided into patches of HR and LR, respectively, and then they are collected into separate dictionaries. Afterward, when performing SR, the distance between every patch of the input LR image and those of available LR patches in the LR dictionary is calculated. The minimum distance between the input LR patch and those in the LR dictionary is taken, and its counterpart from the HR dictionary is passed through an illumination enhancement process. By this technique, the noticeable change of illumination between neighbor patches in the super-resolved image is significantly reduced. The enhanced HR patch represents the HR patch of the super-resolved image. Finally, to remove the blocking effect caused by merging the patches, an average of the obtained HR image and the interpolated image obtained using bicubic interpolation is calculated. The quantitative and qualitative analyses show the superiority of the proposed technique over the conventional and state-of-art methods